Monday, February 22, 2016

Home prices in Greater Boston......

Everyone is wondering (well almost everyone, at least everyone is curious) about home prices in Greater Boston.

Thanks to Boston Magazines analysis of the local statistics, we have what is going on in your town/city. It is no news that prices are up, up, up! Where are they going you might ask? I have no crystal ball or any more insight into the future then you do but, to hazard a guess, I would say UP, for the time being anyway. This meas it is a great time to sell, sell, sell!.... 

Buying you ask?............ I would rather skip this part, but I will say this, for as you are well aware, there is not enough inventory on the market and with the prices of homes going up, it is hard for the buyer to find a home. 
All is not lost though! As long as your Realtor knows the market, is able to counsel you through the offer process and does not try to sell you some kind of gold at the end of the rainbow kind of fallacy. Then you will be able to sit back and relax after closing on your new home..... Okey, who has time to relax with all there is to do these days! Well anyway, at least you can run around you new home and know that it is yours.

Here is a list of single family home prices in Greater Boston. And if you are looking to see what are has the best schools, Dover and Sherborn top the list. Also, see the % change in the past 10 years, wow, prices are up, up, up !

Single-Family Home Prices in Greater Boston 2016

I could not forget the condo market. Check it out, condo prices in Greater Boston, where they are, where they have been and you know where they are going!

Condo Prices in Greater Boston 2016

Michael Helsmoortel
Your Greater Boston Realtor

Michael Helsmoortel
Realtor/Property Manager
Weichert Realtors
Channing Real Estate 
1776 Massachusetts Ave
Cambridge, Ma 02140

Thursday, January 29, 2015


Expanding Cohousing: The New, Old-Fashioned American Dream

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Greater Boston Market Update

The Greater Boston Fall market closed out 2014 in an impressive December finish, with pending contracts up +35.2% over last December. Closed sales this December were up 20% to 405 from 335 in November and down -12.9% from December 2013’s 465. 

Available Inventory in Greater Boston dropped -25.5% from 1,387 units in November to 1,033 in December. Year-over-year this represents -7.8% fewer properties for sale compared to December 2013 at 1,120 units.

The average sale price in Greater Boston rose 1.1% to $674,638 in December from $667,557 in November and is down 2% from last December. The Median price is up +9.1% from $449,000 to $490,000 year-over-year.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

This Month in Real Estate, May 2014

As we approach the selling season we see that the market may be leveling out (we will have to hope and pray). The interest rates are balancing after a slight dip. This means that This Month in Real Estate is ready for your viewing. 


Live, Laugh, Love your new home!



Monday, April 28, 2014

Home prices continue to rise!

In the Greater Boston area we have seen and continue to see home prices go through the roof (pun intended). This trait, although maybe not as drastic in other cites, has become the national trend. This article tells you more about our real estate price situation.

Home Prices Continue Higher, Some States Above Pre-Crisis Peaks

If you want to know what the prices are looking like in your area then check out my easy to use mobile property search app here:


Search on my website here: Your next home search!